
All I Want
Margaret Johnson
Cambridge University Press 2000

A sumary of the story
The cafe door opens.It's Arthur Grant,one of the gallery artists.He paints
landscape and is one of Brad' most successful clients.He looks angry as well as
unhappy because Brad was rate too.He told Brad he won't be showing his paintings
at the Courtney Art Gallery any other month.Then he has gone.Brad was despressed
and say "take the rest of the day off" and he has gone.She leave the cafe.
She went on walking for a while and met her friend 'Diana'. She work for delivery flowers. She suggested Alex that you visit
your mother to next flower delivery.and She agreed with this.
continued next.....

I wait on the oavement.
about my peculiar family
She frowns at me.
I recognize the man.

3 件のコメント:

  1. This is good too. Please tell me how long the book or the portion of the book that you read was.

  2. I try to read about chapter1 at a time.
    May I ask you a question?
    When I write the summary of a book,what tense should I use ?

  3. Thank you for your very good question. Generally speaking, I think it is a good idea to use the past tense when you describe what happened in the story.
